Child does We want to go outside. Get some fresh air. Stretch our legs. But before we go outside, there’s the annoying issue of what to wear .
In the following article, I will tell you what took away our stress.
Child does not want to be dressed
Admittedly, getting dressed in the summer isn’t such a big deal for us. After all, it’s warm enough outside. But when it gets colder … autumn, winter, spring… yes, then the discussions start. The running back and forth. The never-ending game of patience. You’re probably familiar with it.
My husband and I had a few tricks up our sleeve to help us get dressed:
1. I want!
We act as if we wanted to put on the children’s clothes ourselves
Totally excited, of course. Then the little man wants to too.
Later on, it only worked when we were all already dressed in children’s clothes (!). At some point, it didn’t work at all. The trick was discovered.
2. Stroller
If the little man didn’t want to put on his shoes, I put them on him later in the stroller . I have no idea why, but he let me put them on without complaining. But that only ever affected the shoes. The rest? No way to get to them.
3. Children’s wardrobe
Then we thought he needed a permanent place to get thailand mobile database dressed. To bring structure and so on. So we gave him a bench with coat hooks that were from my childhood. He could sit there while we dressed him. He liked doing that. Now and then. But not often.
Then he wanted to be dressed in the children’s room. Or on the bed or the couch.
Then I slowly but surely became more relaxed. I didn’t take it so seriously anymore. I mean, my goodness, it doesn’t matter WHERE you put it on. The main thing is that it works.
The problem of him not wanting to wear certain things remained
9 Reasons Why Getting Dressed Becomes a Problem and How to Tackle Them
I was browsing through my somewhat older article ” Baby cries when getting dressed “. It wasn’t a problem back then. It’s just that what worked back then no longer works. What could be the they can also be used reason? I thought about it for a while and came up with 9 possible reasons :
1. Imbalance
There was probably already stress when getting up, alb directory brushing your teeth, going to the toilet, having breakfast, tidying up, etc. After a while it finally worked. Now “just” get dressed quickly and then go out. But now getting dressed is also becoming a problem. It can’t be true.