Today there is a recipe – put together by me at my own discretion. Here is a recipe that I love very much: stuffed peppers.
Stuffed Peppers
Today I just wanted to combine a few ingredients that the little man really likes: corn, minced meat, tomatoes, peas. It wasn’t supposed to be a boring vegetable stir-fry. But stuffed peppers – that’s something delicious. So what did I need again?
For a casserole dish with 3 large peppers (where there is still plenty of side dish left at the end), you need:
500 g pureed tomatoes
1 small can of Mexico Mix (with corn, peas, peppers)
vegetable broth
1 fat garlic clove
Greek feta made from sheep an
d goat milk
1 bag of rice
3 peppers
You put a splash of olive oil in a pan, poland mobile database heat it up and throw in the diced onion. I then add the ground beef pretty quickly, as it takes ages to cook anyway.
Since this always takes a while, you can prepare the 3 peppers in advance. Cut the top off and remove the seeds from the peppers. DO NOT throw away the top. It will go back on the stuffed peppers later.
Stuffed Peppers – Decapitating Peppers
Check the minced meat every now and then to make sure it doesn’t burn. Then cook the bag of rice according to the instructions on the packet.
Once the ground beef is cooked through, add the pureed leverage the most granular data for training tomatoes, the Mexican mix and the feta. Season with vegetable stock and garlic.
When everything is ready, add the rice to the pan and mix alb directory everything together.