For many people, puns and “dad jokes” are a polarizing issue. While they might make you cringe, they’re also hard to forget, making them the perfect tool for coming up with a truly memorable and impactful rewards program name.
No matter how you slice it, Domino’s definitely takes the cake (or the pie, we should say) with this naming method for a couple of reasons. For starters, the phrase “piece of the pie” sounds very similar to “pizza pie”, reminding customers of why they love Domino’s in the first place and what they stand to gain by joining the program. Secondly, “piece of the pie” is often used to describe sharing something valuable or worthwhile. By offering customers a piece of the pie, Domino’s is promising to share value with their customers, presenting them as a generous, worthwhile brand to engage with.
These literal and figurative translations of a simple, well known-phrase make Piece of the Pie Rewards a tasty, extra-large opportunity for customers who enjoy good pizza, extra cheesy puns, and valuable rewards.
Takeaway: the most creative rewards program names use humor to humanize the program and brand.
The Beauty Chef’s Inner Beauty Circle
Who: The Beauty Chef
Industry: Skincare
The beauty industry is undoubtedly one of the fastest-evolving markets in the world of commerce. As trends and styles peru mobile database continue to change! brands are forced to adapt their business models and customer experiences to meet new industry standards. If they don’t, they end up falling behind. The thing is, it’s not just beauty and style! trends that change over the years – the language we use to describe these things is changing, too.
Program Name: Inner Beauty Circle
In recent years, there’s been without a logical data management platform a shift in the beauty industry to focus on “inner beauty”. Skincare and beauty brands are all be numbers about instilling! confidence in their customers and designing products that enhance their already beautiful features. The Beauty Chef jumped on this trend with their rewards program, Inner Beauty Circle. As a skincare and gut health brand! their rewards program name drives home the idea that beauty starts from within.