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Posting time affects audience activity

This myth appeared because of incompetent bloggers who say that you should only post in the morning or evening, and   under no circumstances at lunch or during the afternoon snack .

How is it really?

In fact, there is no ideal posting time, and audience activity does not depend on it. It depends on the quality of the content, marketing, and how well the interactivity email data in the account matches the interests of the target audience.

Don’t believe me? Try experimenting with the time of publication. You can even analyze the statistics and look at the peaks of audience activity. Most likely, they will be more or less the same.

Myth #5. The goal of SMM  is  to sell

Everyone wants to “sell through social media.” As if other business goals don’t need or can’t be achieved through social media marketing.

How is it really?

Yes, to some extent, an SMM specialist influences sales, but not directly. He does not accept orders in direct messages, as well as in comments. This is the job of a sales create a high-converting lead magnet manager, an account manager.

Among the tasks that SMM covers, there may be the following:

  • increasing brand awareness
  • attracting new clients
  • increasing audience loyalty, warming it up before sales, etc.

Yes, sometimes SMM really works as a sales channel. But only if you have a niche where impulse, inexpensive purchases are most often made. In other cases, SMM  is  a channel for engaging customers in the sales funnel, through content that helps to interest, warm up interest, motivate them to leave contacts, and so on.

Myth #6: You can publish the same content on all social networks

This is how it seems to those who are very far from SMM and generally do not understand what to expect from promotion through social networks.

How is it really?

Putting a lot of effort into SMM and posting the country list same content everywhere  is  absolutely not a profitable and effective solution. Such an action plan is unlikely to help expand the audience (i.e., the potential customer base) qualitatively and quickly, and the money will go down the drain.

It is important to analyze the audience in each popular social network today, correlate it with your target audience and think about what content you can implement. For example, use Instagram to promote the expertise of your employees and HR brand, post event announcements, and Facebook  for  expert longread posts. Then you will be able to attract different audiences from social networks, which will allow you to constantly increase traffic and attract new clients to the site.

Myth #7: The More Hashtags, the Better (and Other Benefits of Hashtags as a Toolkit for Promotion)

It would seem that people often search for something using hashtags, and this is a great way to make a name for yourself, promote your profile. Yes, but not quite.

How is it really?

In general, hashtags  are  not a bad component of a promotion toolkit. But it is important to use them wisely and not rely too much on their effectiveness. At a minimum, you need to make a table with relevant hashtags, divide them into high-frequency, mid-frequency, low-frequency, viral. It is also worth coming up with original ones. And then mix all these categories so that there are a maximum of 30 hashtags under a post.

The second effective option for using hashtags  is  for navigation. Especially if you have some permanent content categories. This will simplify the search on the blog and allow readers to find what is most interesting and valuable to them. And such hashtags can also be used in SFS, contests, thereby promoting the profile. Myth #8. The more promotions and discounts, the better the sales will be

This is what entrepreneurs think, who think that people have no money, they save everything. Because of this, they have lost profit, do not reach the required profitability and lose business.

How is it really?

Promotions and discounts  are  probably a good strategy for stores and companies targeting low-income audiences. Then such triggers work and people buy. But there is one “but”  –  if you make discounts often, then be prepared for the fact that without them, sales will be worse, and the audience may even become more demanding over time. Make a sales plan based on average checks with discounts.

Another thing  is  to launch discounts before the product launch, for those who place an order for pre-sales. Then it makes sense and does not affect the decline in sales later.

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