In a context where elected officials often seek to avoid long and complex ! procedures and where innovation is always favored, the “old” ZAC retains all its interest. The public facilities program, a mandatory document in the context of the creation of a ZAC, provides essential clarity by specifying the roles of each actor: the competent ! public person, the project owner, the beneficiary of the work and the financing arrangements. Without this tool, the organization of project management is often poorly anticipated. The PEP is also sufficient to “transfer” the project management of infrastructure equipment via the agreement of the competent public persons referred to in Article R. 311-7 of the Urban Planning Code.
In addition to the ZAC only the development
concession allows for a global transfer of project management, including for superstructure equipment falling within the jurisdiction of the granting authority.
Outside of ZAC and/or uae phone number list development concession, carrying out a development. Operation of a certain complexity will therefore necessarily involve multiplying the organization and transfer agreements of project management, and therefore the legal risks.
It is not uncommon to see certain communities
authorize private developers to securing customer data with advanced technologies build public facilities, often by integrating them into a ! subdivision or via sales with charges, despite the rules of public procurement betting email list and the urban planning code. “This practice, in ! addition to being legally hazardous, exposes elected officials to a criminal risk and the community to financial ! risks if the developer !” despite his commitment, then requests the reimbursement of the sums unduly invested.