Then making game the cutting continued. The brown cardboard is ugly. So I cut out colored paper * and stuck it on. So that the little man doesn’t stick around on me, I quickly gave him something of his own.
My to-do list as a mother – child sticks
When the background is finished, my favorite part can finally begin: decorating. Painting. Drawing. Collage. It’s nice, but it took forever. At least a week. Basically, I had to think of three ideas for each task. Yes, and that takes time. Mainly because I preferred to do the decorating alone in the evening. When my husband is working and the child is sleeping.
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I found a really cool idea on Pinterest, … Continue reading »
Cooking in the evening
My To-Do List as a Mother – Cooking in the EveningThis is making game purely for organizational purposes, so that I have more time during the day. It’s ideal for stews and soups, so that they can simmer overnight.
And you can tell from the writing when I decided to decorate the doors myself. When a cute little hand slaps the writing before it even dries, it’s not SO pretty. But don’t worry. The little man helped out italy mobile database again later.
Learn English
My To-do List as a Mother – Learning EnglishI started it once and then gave up again. It was going really well. You just need English. Almost everyone speaks English. I downloaded an app for it and just used it as an image. That’s why there is no image of it. If there is advertising, then it is clearly marked.
And yes, I’ll practice the flag thing again. Hopefully everyone will recognize that it’s supposed to be the English one, right? And then – typically English – such a cute Grenadier Guard. If the task is unfinished, you only see his hat. When you close the door at the end of the day, you finally see the rest. I thought it was really cute. I like cute things…
Time for a good book
My To-do List as a Mother – Time for a Good BookI want to pursue my passion again and take more time for it. Even if it’s just a few pages a day.
I can no longer accept the excuse that you don’t have time to read a book when you have a child. And I don’t want to either.
If things are important to me, I have to make time for without a logical data management platform them. And that’s possible even with a child.
For the background, I simply cut up texts from alb directory magazines and glued them across the bed.
It was quite fiddly, but also quite funny.
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