LGPD and integrations project was by CmTech from Pernambuco
The process of implementing privacy management software is by challenges and discoveries. The data protection market knows that much more than a system is to successfully comply with the LGPD. But it is also common sense that without a robust platform there is a lot of rework and a lack of automation at different stages of the journey.
With this in mind, COPEL, Companhia Paranaense de Energia, the largest company in the state of Paraná, sought to provide greater security and trust for its data holders through the platform of the startup from Rio Grande do Sul, Privacy Tools, which has a complete system for automating the LGPD compliance project.
Suitability from northeast to south
The Privacy Tools implementation phone number library was out by CmTech, a company based in Pernambuco. One of the fastest growing SMEs in Brazil, with over 20 years of experience serving hundreds of businesses in both government and private companies.
According to Rodrigo Vasconcelos
Partner at CmTech: “Being able to perform Data Discovery integrated with Data Mapping and how many software integrations can your system handle? the flow of service to data subjects involves in-depth knowledge of IT, IS, DevOps and LGPD. A robust tool is not enough; you have to know how to implement it with a focus on data subjects.”
CmTech operates throughout the country and the project with Copel was one of the most important in adapting to the LGPD for the company.
COPEL: Focus on data subjects
Data subjects, that is, all citizens, customers or cmo email list who have data processed by Copel can exercise their rights through the Privacy Portal. A solution offered by Privacy Tools to provide transparency and security regarding the rights of data subjects.