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An inspiring example of renaturation: the Plan de la Garde park

As stat above, SGREEN+ studies help to partially address these obstacles by providing external expertise to the project leader. They offer regulatory frameworks, research on funding sources, and many other possibilities to be mobiliz.

For renaturation to be effective, it is inspiring example essential to renature large areas rather than simply greening city centres. It is therefore important to mobilise areas that are large enough to accommodate this type of project and to protect them as best as possible to allow nature to regain its bearings. This requires a total commitment from public services in these essential projects.

The Espace Nature Départemental du Plan

which was once in decline, is an example of exemplary rehabilitation. This project addresses biodiversity and awareness issues, which are of crucial importance in a context where the preservation of ecosystems is essential.

Locat between the municipalities of La Garde and Le Pradet in the Var, the Espace Nature Départemental du Plan has been identifi as an important biodiversity area. In the usa phone number list past, agricultural activities and the abandonment of ancestral practices have contribut to the acceleration of the degradation of this environment, to the detriment of fauna and flora. Unwant uses have also been establish in this abandon space (construction of light housing without authorization; illegal dumping; etc.)

It is in this context that

the Var Department identifi leverage the most granular data for training an opportunity to design and revalue this natural site in decline. Identifi as one of the last coastal wetlands in the Miterranean, this area is classifi as a Sensitive Natural Area (ENS), and also as a Natural Area of ​​Faunistic and Floristic Interest (ZNIEFF) type II since 2020. The betting email list Department took the initiative to acquire this land, via a DUP procure to demonstrate the major public interest of this project. from a wasteland with significant but undevelop ecological potential to a real reservoir of biodiversity.


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