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How to Beautifully Design an Instagram Profile If You Don’t Have Money for a


The quarantine is just gaining momentum. In some cities, photo studios have long been closed and all plans for photo shoots have fallen. Through. This means that accounts are left without professional shots that fit gracefully into feeds and some SMM specialists are out of work. But there are those who managed to offer clients one cool option. Who stayed in business and even received an increase in orders. And this option is Instagram templates .

We explain why this is a great idea and share a selection of cool layouts.

Instagram templates are a great idea for a visual artist because:


  1. For the client, it is cheaper than a photo shoot in a studio, phone number library on the street. And in general with a professional photographer. And cheaper than developing a visual style from scratch.
  2. Often, making a layout of 9 photos or even 18 using a template for Instagram is faster than selecting, combining. And processing photos. This does not require any special skills or knowledge. Only the ability to use a graphic editor and insert photos into a finished picture.
  3. A great way to break up your feed for a while (for example, even during quarantine) or to split two product photo shoots between them.
  4. This is an opportunity to acquire a corporate style if you previously did not have time for it or it seemed expensive.
  5. There are Instagram templates that are thematic, then customize some more more or less universal, and those that suit different target audiences. Yes, you will have to look for that very option, but at least you won’t have to modify anything.
  6. If something in the layout doesn’t fit (some detail) or you want to add, for example. Your logo or watermark, it’s easy to do. This way you get unique country list  images. Inexpensive and in a couple of clicks in the editor.
  7. Instagram templates are a trend that is coming back. You may have already noticed this from the photos of some bloggers. Some of them use layouts in every post, some only for photos with text. But visually it looks very beautiful and stylish.
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