The car is the main mode of transport for the French. In the Living Conditions and Aspirations survey of September 2023, 65% of French people use the car to get to their place of work or study and 74% of the population for their other local journeys (shopping, leisure, accompanying children, etc.). Many dense network studies agree on the significant weight that dependence on the car has on France’s carbon footprint. This study aims to identify some of the levers for modal shift from the car to public transport.
Less than one in five motorists are resistant to public transport
Among those who use the car as their main mode of transport (to get to work or to their place of study or for leisure) , almost four in ten (39% exactly) do not have uk phone number list public transport close to their home, that is to say less than 600 metres or less than 10 minutes on foot. This is particularly the case for motorists living in rural areas.
43% of those who usually
take their car to get around have enhancing the reliability of predictive analytics models a public transport stop near their home and would potentially be open to giving up their car to use it, under certain conditions. Among the levers for change, free transport is in first place: 28% of regular motorists would be ready to switch to public transport if it were free. Free betting email list transport particularly appeals to 25-39 year-olds, residents of medium-sized urban areas (between 20 and 100,000 inhabitants) and when motorists have a home-work journey of less than 5 km. However, the lever of free transport turns out to be weaker than what might have been expected.