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Transfer of project management: a strictly regulated possibility

Public entities can only transfer their project management under conditions strictly regulat by law. Firstly, the principles arising from the CCP do not apply to certain infrastructure works, thus allowing a more flexible transfer of project management, sometimes by simple contract. This applies in particular to infrastructure carri out within the framework of a ZAC, a subdivision, an Operation of National Interest (OIN) or a Major Urban Planning Operation (GOU). Thus, for example, an urban community initiating a ZAC can take charge of the construction of the operation’s roads, even if these normally fall under municipal jurisdiction.

Secondly, public project management can be transferr to a third party

generally after a competitive tendering procure. This can be done via a VEFA contract, a public service concession or a development concession. It is also possible to transfer this responsibility to another public project owner. Without competitive tendering, through a project management transfer belgium phone number list agreement (commonly call a co-project management agreement)! when several entities are simultaneously competent for the construction or rehabilitation of a structure.

The development concession remains the preferr method for local authorities to carry out development operations. Design specifically for this purpose, it allows the project management of “works! buildings and equipment” to be entrust to a concessionaire, thus guaranteeing consistency in the implementation of the project. But be careful: the grantor delegates the execution of the development operation to the concessionaire .

As well as the project management

of the equipment falling under its blockchain and ai successfully integration in crm jurisdiction; the transfer of the project management of equipment falling under the jurisdiction. Of other public persons must be done by another means…

It should be not that a betting email list developer cannot freely “take” control. “Of public facilities: it must be transferr to him by the competent public body within the strict framework of the law”.

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