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forest on Gohliser Straße

Yesterday the weather was awful. And I, crazy as I am, still went out with the little man.

forest on  We met “Schaumi”.

forest on Gohliser Straße
We actually wanted to take our leftover food to the Hellersdorf animal farm . But the animals were nowhere to be seen in this rainy weather. Oh well. Another time then (that’s really how it’s written – terrible, isn’t it?). Let’s keep going. Just follow our noses. And then turn off every now and then.

Myself in the middle of a dirt road soaked in mud


My lovely boots. And then I had to push my stroller through this muddy mess. Great! Whatever, it’ll be fine. So let’s go! And if there hadn’t been those oversized, fat tree roots that I kept getting caught on with the stroller, it forest on  would have been quite nice. You know what they say about “nice”, right?

There is someone…
But in itself, I thought to myself, this little forest is a beautiful spot to talk about. In drier weather, it would certainly be more relaxing to take a walk here. It also smells of the forest. It’s hard to believe, azerbaijan mobile database being so close to the busy Berliner Strasse. But it really is. And rain smells heavenly, too, I think.

Woods on Gohliser Straße – Strollers in the rain in the forest

Anyway, we are now travelling on somewhat firmer ground. I look around here and there. All alone in a small forest like this, you quickly become paranoid and see eyes everywhere. You hear cracking and rustling everywhere. I pick up the pace.

Grove on Gohliser Straße – The tree has eyes

And then I see it. Just out of the corner of my eye. I want to future trends in cloud infrastructure automation walk past it. But then I stop. And see it. A beautiful tree fungus. Completely soaked and slimy from alb directory the rain. Just like mushrooms become when it rains on them.


I park the stroller and hop into the wet undergrowth. To the tree fungus.


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